“You’re imperfect, you are wired for struggle, but you are worthy of love and belonging.” -Brene Brown
Family Therapy
Families come in all shapes and sizes but regardless of what your family looks like, you deserve to feel peace and happiness.
What we treat:
-In-law/Family of Origin Issues
-Defiance at Home
-Conflict Between Children and/or Parents
-Life Transitions (divorce, remarriage, moving, etc.)
-Death of a Loved One
-And more…
You love your kids but, parenting is hard. If you’re divorced, sometimes co-parenting is hard. Our therapists have extensive training in parenting to help you problem solve whatever chaos is happening at home whether that’s navigating new relationships/roles, strengthening attachment, or reducing conflict. Our parent sessions are tailored to address whatever you need help with and will give you fresh ideas to take home and implement.
Contact us if you have any questions or book an appointment online by clicking the “Schedule Appointment Online” button.
Check out our FAQ to find out what the first session expectations are like.