Having a baby is one of the most beautiful but, stressful times of a woman’s life. With suicide being one of the three leading causes of maternal death, it’s important to reach out for support and take care of yourself.
Did you know that:
What we typically label as “postpartum depression” can begin at anytime during or after pregnancy
Onset for a perinatal mood disorder can happen anytime in the first year postpartum
Perinatal mood disorders include: prenatal depression/anxiety, major postpartum depression, postpartum anxiety or panic disorder, reproductive PTSD (traumatic birth, complications in pregnancy, infertility), bipolar disorders, and postpartum psychosis
At least 1 in 7 mothers will experience serious depression or anxiety during pregnancy and postpartum
1 in 10 fathers will experience postpartum depression
80% of new mothers will experience “baby blues” in the few weeks after baby arrives
There can be a resurgence of these emotions during hormonal shifts such as the first postpartum menstrual cycle or weaning from breastfeeding
As Postpartum Support International says, “You are not alone. You are not to blame. With help, you will be well.”
How do I know if I need to see a professional?
This is a stressful time and if you feel like you aren’t coping, come in for support! Otherwise, keep an eye out for these symptoms:
- sadness/crying spells
- feeling overwhelmed
- irritability, agitation, anger
- sleep disturbance/insomnia
- appetite changes
- mood swings
- apathy
- exhaustion
- intrusive thoughts/hypervigilance/overprotectiveness
You can also check out this informative handout from Postpartum International Support.
Contact us if you have any questions or book an appointment online by clicking the “Schedule Appointment Online” button.
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